Vintage G1 Reissues
Vintage G1 is an official series of Generation 1 reissues from Hasbro which began in 2018. The series recreates the original Transformers from the US line complete with their original assortments of Generation 1 accessories. The toys are also packaged in boxes that reproduce the original Generation 1 colours and styling.
14 product(s) found for "Vintage G1 Reissues"
Astrotrain - Transformers Vi..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue: Astrotrain "Creating confusion is his specialty. As a Triple Changer, can switch from space shuttle to train to robot almost instantaneously. Thrives on foes' panic and fear. As shuttle, travels at 20,000 mph in orbit, up to 50,000 mph out of orbit...can launch weapons...
Bumblebee - Transformers Vin..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Bumblebee. "Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messanger and spy. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others can't and won't. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and strives to be accepted. He is the most energy-efficient...
Devastator - Transformers Vi..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Devastator. "Awesome and terrifying, this Decepticon is a bizarre combination of 6 Constructicons: Scrapper, Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Hook, Long Haul and Mixmaster. He is pure brutality as his sole purpose is to crush all in his path. His mind is a melding together of...
Frenzy & Laserbeak - Transfo..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Decepticon Frenzy & Decepticon Laserbeak. "If Frenzy needed to breathe, war would be his oxygen. He knows no cause, only craves to spread fear and destruction. His efforts are appreciated by other Decepticons. His devotion to warfare makes him hard to deal with on a...
Gears - Transformers Vintage..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Gears. "Gears is anti-social, a self-proclaimed misfit. Finds fault in everything and everyone. Acts this way to help cheer others up as they try to cheer him up. Tremendous strength and endurance. Totes heavy loads long distances. Launches to height of 20 miles, floats...
Hot Rod - Transformers Vinta..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Hot Rod. "Hot Rod is an all-American-boy Autobot. He's a typical adolescent who dares of being heroic and important. He tends to follow rules too closely. Although he means well, Hot Rod's impulsive actions often get him into trouble. He carries two photon lasers that...
Optimus Prime - Transformers..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Optimus Prime. "Optimus Prime is the largest, strongest, and wisest of all Autobots. Feels his role is the protection of all life, including Earth-life. Fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Splits into three autonomous modules: 1) Optimus Prime...the brain center...
Outback - Transformers Vinta..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue- Outback. "Thinks going by the books is going the wrong way. Doesn't follow plans - or roads! Cuts across parking lots, sidewalks, and backyards to get where he's going. Travels at 110 mph with a range of 800 miles. His 4-wheel-drive handles the roughest terrain and climbs...
Rumble & Ravage - Transforme..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Decepticon Rumble & Decepticon Ravage. "Rumble is your basic street punk. Small but always acting tough. Quick temper and mean disposition. Follow's Megatron's orders eagerly. Transmits immense low frequency groundwaves to create powerful earthquakes. His small size...
Soundwave & Buzzsaw - Transf..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Soundwave & Buzzsaw. "It is said Soundwave can hear a fly sneeze. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Opportunist. Despised by all other Decepticons. Sensors can detect even lowest energy radio transmissions. Able to read minds by monitoring electrical...
Starscream - Transformers Vi..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Starscream. "Seeks to replace Megatron as Leader. Ruthless, cold-blooded, cruel... considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of Decepticons. Believes Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute force to defeat Autobots. Fastest flier...
Swerve - Transformers Vintag..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Swerve. "If Autobot's had driving licenses, his would be revoked. A menace on the highways. Doesn't pay attention to where he's going or the orders he's being given - easily distracted by anything. Hands' sensors can determine physical and chemical properties of metals....
Tailgate - Transformers Vint..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Tailgate. "He sometimes has his mind stuck in low gear, and believes the 55 mph speed limit is infringement on the rights of cars. Garages are prisons to him... doesn't understand Earth machines are not alive. Goes 180 mph, range 600 miles. Uses ferrocobalt magnet under...
Warpath - Transformers Vinta..
Transformers Vintage G1 Reissue - Warpath. "Thinks he's more impressive than his comrades do... likes to show off his sharpshooting. Boisterous, loud-mouthed... raucous sense of humor makes him welcome company. Vain - upset by even the smallest scratch to his blaster barrel. Can go 30 mph over roughest...